Библейские английские имена женские


мужскиеженскиедля девочкидля мальчикаобщие(унисекс)


абхазскиеазербайджанскиеазиатскиеамериканскиеанглийскиеарабскиеармянскиеархангеловафриканскиебашкирскиебелорусскиеболгарскиебразильскиебританскиебурятскиевампироввенгерскиевьетнамскиегерманскиеготическиегреческиегрузинскиедагестанскиедвойныедемоныдревнегреческиедревнеегипетскиедревнерусскиедревнеславянскиееврейскиеевропейскиеегипетскиеиндейскиеиндейцевиндийскиеирландскиеиспанскиеитальянскиеитзикавказскиеказахскиеказахстанскиекалмыцкиеканадскиекельтскиекиргизскиекитайскиекорейскиелатинскиелитовскиемарийскиемексиканскиемилыемолдавскиемонгольскиенемецкиенеобычныенерусскиенорвежскиеорковосетинскиепакистанские персидскиепольскиепортугальскиеправославныеримскиерумынскиерусскиесербскиескандинавскиеславянскиесмурфиковсоветскиестаринныестарорусскиестарославянскиестарыетаджиковтаджикскиетайскиетатарскиетурецкиетюркскиеузбекскиеукраинскиеунисексфинскиефранцузскиефэнтезихиндицерковныецыганскиечеченскиечешскиечувашскиешведскиешотландскиешумерскиеэстонскиеэфиопскиеякутскиеяпонские



Biblical English Female Names

Biblical names have always been popular due to their deep meanings, rich histories, and the strong cultural ties they carry. Here is a comprehensive list of some of the most enduring and meaningful biblical female names in English, along with their meanings.

List of Biblical Female Names and Their Meanings

  • Abigail - "My father's joy." Often recognized for its association with Abigail, the wise and beautiful wife of King David.
  • Anna - "Gracious." This name is the Latin form of the Hebrew name Hannah and is associated with the prophetess Anna in the New Testament.
  • Bathsheba - "Daughter of the oath." She was the wife of King David and the mother of King Solomon.
  • Deborah - "Bee." A prophetess and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible, known for her wisdom and courage.
  • Delilah - "Delicate." Notably, Delilah is known for her role in the story of Samson and Delilah in the Old Testament.
  • Esther - "Star." Esther was the Jewish queen of Persian King Ahasuerus, who saved her people from annihilation.
  • Eve - "Life" or "Living." As the first woman created by God, Eve is a central figure in the creation story.
  • Hannah - "Grace." Mother of the prophet Samuel, known for her deep faith and earnest prayers.
  • Judith - "He will be praised." A heroine who saved her people, known for her bravery and resourcefulness.
  • Leah - "Weary" or "Cow." Leah was the first wife of Jacob and the mother of six of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Lydia - "From Lydia." Lydia of Thyatira was a businesswoman who was one of the first converts to Christianity in Europe.
  • Martha - "Lady" or "Mistress." The sister of Mary and Lazarus, Martha is known for her hospitality to Jesus.
  • Mary - "Bitter" or "Beloved." Perhaps the most famous female name in the Bible, borne by Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  • Naomi - "Pleasantness." Naomi is known for her story in the Book of Ruth and her loving relationship with her daughter-in-law Ruth.
  • Phoebe - "Bright" or "Pure." A deaconess of the early church mentioned in the New Testament.
  • Rebekah - "To bind" or "Captivating." The wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau, known for her pivotal role in the patriarchal narratives of Genesis.
  • Ruth - "Friend" or "Companion." She is famous for her loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and her role as the great-grandmother of King David.
  • Sarah - "Princess" or "Noblewoman." Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, revered for her faith.
  • Susanna - "Lily." A follower of Jesus mentioned in the New Testament.
  • Tabitha - "Gazelle." Known for her good works and acts of charity in the New Testament.

These names not only carry rich meaning and history but also reflect the values and beliefs of the biblical tradition. Whether you are looking for a name steeped in religious heritage or simply appreciate the beauty and depth of these names, this list provides a valuable resource.
